DRDO STA-B Computer Science Tier 2 Mock Test 2025 FREE, Practice Online Test Series

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    Attempt DRDO STA 'B' Tier II Computer Science Mock Test

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    DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science Free Mock Test 2022

    A recruitment notification for the recruitment has been released by Defence Research & Development Organisation for the Senior Technical Assistant. We hope you have been diligently studying for this highly competitive examination. IxamBee has prepared a DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science 2022 online mock exam based on the latest exam syllabus and pattern to assist you in preparing for the exam. A team of experienced experts at ixamBee has prepared these online tests for DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science 2022 that will ensure your understanding of how good you are in every section of the syllabus.

    Key Features of DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science Mock Test 2022

    Please go over all the features of the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science 2022 free mock tests to learn how they will benefit you in your exam preparation.

    • How to Begin?

    We must first become familiar with the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science 2022 exam before we can begin the exam preparation. If you wish to begin your preparation successfully and fruitfully, we highly recommend you take advantage of the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science free mock exams offered by ixamBee to learn all about the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science exam pattern and syllabus 2022.

    • Anchor

    When we say that the Defense Research & Development Organization STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock tests should be at the top of your exam preparation list, we're not exaggerating. Throughout your preparation process, make sure that you review your strategy and check on your mock tests to see how you are doing, whether you are following your study plan, etc.

    • Multidimensional

    To put it simply, the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 practice test is your one-stop solution for exam preparation. You can check the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science syllabus, exam pattern, as well as the weightage of each topic. We encourage you to test us yourself.  

    • Ready. Set. Go!

    As soon as you have laid a strong foundation for your study, you can begin your preparation right away. Remember to incorporate everything you have learned from your practice tests into your DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science study plan 2022. You will see the results for yourself in due course.

    DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science Mock Tests | Practice for free 2022

    For the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science exam 2022, ixamBee provides a free online test series so you can ensure success and reach your goal of working at DRDO as a Senior Technical Assistant. In case you are also preparing for this exam, then take this mock exam and find out how it will enhance your preparation. You will find these mock exams useful if you are an aspirant for the job as well. In order to ensure you ace this exam, we have created these DRDO online test series at ixamBee in a way that will prepare you to achieve your goal.

    Benefits of attempting DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science Mock Test Series

    Please take a look at the benefits of attempting the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock tests below.

    • Brain Workout

    You should pair your study with practice first and foremost. With the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock tests, you have the opportunity to practice with a wide variety of questions that will allow you to prepare from different perspectives on the exam. As a result, you will be able to answer any kind of exam question.

    • Zoom Ahead

    In addition to you, there will be many other aspirants taking this highly competitive exam as well. The best way to stand out and beat your peers is to study very hard. The free DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock exams can help you supplement your study. By doing so, you will increase your chances of passing.

    • C’mon Let’s Go!

    When taking the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science exam, it is important to be able to answer questions quickly and correctly. Therefore, if you wish to improve your speed, you must practice repeatedly. Then, only you will be able to answer as many questions as possible in the exam, increasing your chances of scoring high.

    • Self-assuredness

    If you take the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science free mock tests repeatedly, you will become familiar with the exam and with your own performance. Having a sense of confidence during the exam will help you achieve better results, as you already know.

    How to attempt DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test?

    In order to take the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science free mock tests at ixamBee all you need to do is the following:

    • Visit ixamBee’s website at https://www.ixambee.com
    • Register yourself on the website, if you are not already registered
    • Click on the ‘Free Mock Test’ tab
    • Find the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test from the menu. It will be listed under the “Others” bucket.
    • Click on ‘Take Test’ to begin your mock test.

    Why choose ixamBee for the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test series?

    You can maximize your DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science free mock tests at ixamBee in a number of ways. Read on to learn more.

    • ₹0

    With ixamBee, you can take the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test for free. We want the best mock tests for students without them worrying about the cost of taking them. The exam will require you to take several mock tests from time to time. To do that, you can use ixamBee completely free of charge. The DRDO free mock tests are available for you to take multiple times and self-analyse your performance.

    • Top-Notch

    As a simulation of the actual computer-based test you will be taking on the day of the exam, the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science free mock tests are offered. Additionally, at ixamBee, the tests are regularly revised to ensure the most relevant content is provided to aspirants following years of thorough research and exam analysis.

    • Results & More

    Upon completion and submission of the test, you will also receive a detailed analysis of your performance in the test. This scorecard will also provide you with your results and scorecard. As and where applicable, mock test questions for DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science have been provided with proper explanations.

    • Troubleshoot

    By clicking the "Report Issue" button at the bottom of your screen, you can notify us of any issues you encounter while taking your DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science free mock test. We also welcome any feedback you may have about the mock tests you may have for us via this option.

    DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science Exam Dates 2025

    DRDO Senior Technical Assistant Exam Dates 2025

    ActivityImportant Dates 
    DRDO Online registration including Edit /Modification of Application by candidates September 03, 2022 to September 23, 2022
    Availability of Tier 1 Admit Card for OnLine Examination To be notified later
    DRDO Tier 1 Online Examination Exam Dates November 12, 15, 2022
    DRDO Tier 1 Online Examination Exam Result Click Here
    Availability of Tier 2 Admit Card for OnLine Examination Click Here
    DRDO Tier 2 Online Examination Exam Dates January 12, 2023
    DRDO Tier 2 Final Result Click Here

    DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science 2025 Exam Pattern

    TierMode/ Type of ExaminationScope of ExaminationNo of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
    I CBT for Screening (Test common to all post-codes) Quantitative Ability/ Aptitude 120 120 1 hour 30 minutes
    General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
    General Awareness
    English Language (basic knowledge)
    General Science
    II CBT for Provisional Selection Test specific to subject of post-code 100 100 1 hour 30 minutes

    Numbers speak for themselves

    113 Lac+

    Trusted Students

    65 Cr+

    Mock Test Attempted

    10 Cr+


    67 Cr+

    Questions Attempted


    Exam covered



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    DRDO STA 'B' Tier II Computer Science Mock Test FAQs

    That’s okay. You can resume your DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test from the same point once your network is stable again if you lose connection during the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test.

    Yes, why not! The ixamBee team encourages aspirants to take as many DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science free mock tests as they need. You will be able to clear the exam more easily if you practice, as we have said several times previously as well.

    Yes, performance analysis report will be provided to you at the end of your DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock exam with ixamBee. In addition to the scorecard, an answer key will also be provided.

    The DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test can be taken in 2 languages- i.e., English and Hindi. The actual exam will also be taken in Hindi or English.

    With the free online mock tests for DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science, you will be able to merge the study of your course with the preparation for the test. The online practice of DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock tests will not only improve the accuracy but also increase your speed. Ultimately, you will be able to score well.

    There is no upper limit on how many times you can take the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock test at ixamBee. Please go ahead and take them as many times as you deem necessary for your practice. The idea is for you to get the best study materials.

    All the relevant topics from the perspective of an exam have been carefully covered in these DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science tests. Furthermore, the tests have been designed taking into account the actual assessment standards. As a result, you will be able to assess the level of questions by yourself when you take ixamBee's mock tests.

    A free mock test series for DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science is available at ixamBee. We've made it very easy for you to take the mock test by visiting our website and selecting it from the menu. Now, you will need to register yourself with your email ID.

    If you are looking for the best DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock tests, then ixamBee is the one to go for. In order to help you prepare for your DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science examination, we provide you with free mock exams based on the latest syllabus and exam pattern 2022. Test makers have also curated these tests after years of experience and analysis.

    Yes, without a doubt all the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science mock tests are based on the latest DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science exam pattern at ixamBee. In addition, the mock tests have also been revised according to the DRDO's official notification 2022 about the DRDO STA-B Tier 2 Computer Science exam pattern. All other rules such as marking scheme, time limit and such are the same as well.