Odisha State Cooperative Bank Assistant Manager Prelims Mock Test 2025 FREE, Practice Online Test Series

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    Total Tests and Papers: 158

    English, Hindi

    Odisha State Cooperative Bank AM 2022 Prelims Mock Test 1
    Odisha State Cooperative Bank AM 2022 Prelims Mock Test 1
    • 60 Minutes
    • 100 Questions
    • 100 Marks

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    Odisha State Cooperative Bank AM Prelims Mock Test

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    Attempt Odisha State Cooperative Bank AM Prelims Mock Test

    OSCB AM Free Mock Test 2024  

    The Odisha State Cooperative Bank (OSCB) exam is a good opportunity for candidates who want to work with a prestigious public-sector bank. ixamBee’s Free Mock Test for Odisha State Cooperative Bank (OSCB AM) are the need of the hour for candidates who want to excel in the Odisha State Cooperative Bank exam with flying colours. Practicing the online test series for Odisha State Cooperative Bank will help you score high in the exam and be ahead of the competition in the exam.

    Key Features of OSCB AM Prelims Mock Test 2024

    Study the features of the Odisha State Cooperative Bank mock tests to learn how they can supplement your OSCB AM exam preparation. 

    • Particulars

    The first step to preparing for the OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims exam 2024 begins with understanding what the exam is all about itself. You should begin by exploring the OSCB AM exam pattern and syllabus 2024. For this, we recommend that you take the help of the OSCB AM mock tests for your preparation.

    • Core

    In essence, this OSCB AM practice test should be the core of your OSCB AM exam preparation. Take for instance, you take an OSCB AM Prelims mock exam before you begin studying. Then, follow this up with routine mock tests to gauge your preparation. Or, if you begin by taking one mock test per week at the beginning, you should double this to two mock tests a week as your exam day approaches.

    • Trial 

    By taking the OSCB AM Prelims mock tests, you will get a holistic experience of the exam and a first-hand experience of the same. You will be able to ascertain how to approach the exam, the newest question trends and many other such details that you may miss otherwise. This practical approach to the exam can set you apart.  

    • Get Ready

    To conclude, the ultimate aim of taking the OSCB AM mock tests is to appendage and strengthen your exam preparation. Therefore, after every mock test, the onus is on you to self-assess your performance and to determine how to move ahead with your OSCB AM exam strategy. 

    OSCB AM Mock Tests | Practice for free 2024

    The Odisha State Cooperative Bank test series contains questions from various subjects such as Reasoning Ability, General Awareness, English Language and Quantitative aptitude. Attempting the Odisha State Cooperative Bank Assistant Manager Prelims online mock test series will give you an extra edge over your competitors and will also help you score more. With a real-time exam environment, the mock test series lets you experience the real Odisha State Cooperative Bank Exam-like environment.

    Benefits of attempting the OSCB AM Mock Test Series

    • Take a Break

    When you start preparing for the exam, you must take a break from time to time to review your OSCB AM exam strategy. It will be very rewarding for you to stop and review every once in a while, for example, every fortnight, with the help of the Odisha State Cooperative Bank free mock test.

    • Introspection

    In connection with the last point, your review must also include a self-assessment of your performance in the OSCB AM Prelims mock tests. Depending upon your performance and your analysis of the same, you will be able to decide how you need to proceed ahead in order to yield better results in the next mock test. 

    • Eyes on the Clock 

    You will be given only 60 minutes to answer 100 questions across 3 sections. Ideally, you will have to answer each question in less than a minute. Therefore, if you want to win the race against time, you can only do so by practicing and working hard every day. You will also be able to develop a smart test-taking strategy that will help you to finish the whole exam on time with maximum accuracy.

    • Labour

    Ultimately, it is your hard work that will set you apart from your peers. If you work hard and practice tirelessly, your labour will show on the day of the exam. You will develop the skill of question selection that saves your time and fetches more marks. So, work hard with the help of the Odisha State Cooperative Bank Prelims mock tests if you want to ultimately succeed. 

    How to attempt OSCB AM Prelims mock test?

    In order to take the OSCB AM Prelims free mock test at ixamBee all you need to do is the following: 

    • Visit ixamBee’s website at https://www.ixambee.com
    • Register yourself on the website, if you are not already registered
    • Click on the ‘Free Mock Test’ tab
    • Find the OSCB AM mock test from the menu. Go to the “Bank PO” section to find this test. 
    • Click on ‘Take Test’ to begin your mock test.

    Why choose ixamBee for the OSCB AM mock test series?

    Read on to learn how you can get more out of your mock test experience by taking them at ixamBee. 

    • Quality 

    Please know that our OSCB AM Prelims free mock test have been created with years of experience by our experts and faculty. These tests are based on exam analysis and the personal experience of experts as well which helps us to deliver the best quality mock tests to all aspirants. Moreover, you will receive a real exam experience by practicing the Odisha State Cooperative bank free online mock tests.

    • Quick Results 

    As soon as you submit your OSCB AM Prelims free mock test, you will be given your test results immediately. You will also be given a scorecard that will show you how you have fared across all sections of the exam. Lastly, you will also be able to compare your score with other test-takers. 

    • Issue Report 

    In case you come across any issue during your Odisha State Cooperative Bank free mock exam, you can easily let us know by clicking on the “Report Issue” button at the bottom of your screen. You can also use this feature to leave a comment of your experience or to give us some feedback with regard to your experience of taking this test with ixamBee. 

    Odisha State Cooperative Bank Assistant Manager Exam Dates

    OSCB Assistant Manager Dates 2025

    OSCB EventsOSCB Assistant Manager  Exam Dates
    OSCB Assistant Manager Notification released December 22, 2021
    Opening and Closing Date for Online Registration December 29, 2021 to  January 17, 2022
    Payment of application fee December 29, 2021 to January 17,  2022
    OSCB Assistant Manager Call Letter 10 days before the exam
    OSCB Assistant Manager  Online preliminary exam February/ March 2022
    OSCB Assistant Manager Online Mains Exam April/ May 2022

    Odisha State Cooperative Bank Assistant Manager Prelims Exam Pattern

    SectionsNo. of questionsTotal MarksDuration
    English Language 30 30 20 minutes
    Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
    Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
    Total 100 100 60 minutes/ 1 hour

    Odisha State Cooperative Bank Assistant Manager Mains Exam Pattern

    SectionsNo. of questionsTotal MarksDuration
    General/ Financial Awareness 40 40 30 minutes
    General English 40 40 40 minutes
    Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude 40 40 35 minutes
    Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 35 minutes
    Total 160 160 140 minutes

    Numbers speak for themselves

    113 Lac+

    Trusted Students

    65 Cr+

    Mock Test Attempted

    10 Cr+


    67 Cr+

    Questions Attempted


    Exam covered



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    Odisha State Cooperative Bank AM Prelims Mock Test FAQs

    There is no need to worry about it. In case your connection is interrupted during your OSCB AM free mock test, your test will be paused for you at that point itself. You will be able to resume once your connection is stable again.

    Yes, you can. Please go ahead and take the OSCB AM mock test series as many times as you like or need.

    Yes, you will be given an analysis report once you send in your Odisha State Cooperative Bank mock test by clicking on the “submit” button. Also, you will be provided with a scorecard and an answer key as well.

    The OSCB AM mock test will be in English only. This is because you can attempt the Odisha State Cooperative Bank Assistant Manager 2022 exam only in the English Language.

    You should attempt the Odisha State Cooperative Bank mock test series in order to strengthen your overall OSCB AM exam preparation and to practice what you have been studying. You will come to know in which topics you are weak and need improvement. You will also develop the skill of question selection that saves your time and fetches more marks.

    There is no limit on how many times you can take the OSCB AM mock exams with ixamBee. You can make the best use of the ‘reattempt’ facility that is available in ixamBee’s free mock tests.

    Please note, that our OSCB AM mock tests are designed after years of exam analysis experience and routine revision to incorporate the latest exam trends. Through Odisha State Cooperative Bank Assistant Manager mock tests, you will get to know the difficulty level of the exam.

    You can avail of the OSCB AM free mock tests online at ixamBee. You will be able to begin taking a mock test any time you like once you register yourself with your email ID on the ixamBee website. Just ensure you have a proper device and strong internet connection for the best mock test-taking experience.

    ixamBee is what you should be looking at if you want the best OSCB AM free mock test series. Our mock tests aim to give aspirants the mock test and overall exam experience that they deserve.

    Yes, absolutely. Our OSCB AM mock tests are based on the latest OSCB AM exam pattern 2022. Please be known that all other aspects of the exam such as sectional time, bilingual test and other details have been kept in mind as well while creating this mock exam for you.