EPFO Assistant 2019: Last Minute Tips To Nail Phase I Exam


EPFO Assistant Phase I exam is around the corner. You have studied for days and nights for EPFO Assistant 2019 exam, now the time has come to apply all that you have learned till now. All you need to focus upon while attempting EPFO Assistant phase I exam is to cut down upon careless errors. You need to put your knowledge to its best on the day of EPFO Assistant Phase 1 exam. Below are a few essential tips which will help you crack EPFO Assistant phase I exam.

EPFO Assistant Exam Pattern

Phase I – Preliminary Examination

S.No. Name of the Test (Objective
No.of Questions Max. Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 Minutes
2 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
3 Numerical Aptitude 35 35 20 Minutes
 . Total 100 100

Let’s look at few last-minute tips to ace EPFO Assistant phase I exam

  • Time management is the key to success.  Try to solve the easiest topics first then move on to difficult ones.
  • Don’t keep staring at that one troubling question. If not sure move on to the next question.
  • Review your notes, especially concepts and topics that you have struggled with. It’s important to have everything you’ve learned fresh in your mind on EPFO Assistant exam day.
  • Speed and accuracy are two important factors you need to keep in mind while answering the questions. Remember, just attempting as many questions as possible will not be of any use until you are sure of the answers.
  • Make a checklist of important documents such as ID proof, Photocopy of ID proof, Admit card, Passport size photo and pack them a day before.
  • Try to reach the examination hall at least an hour before the mentioned time. Reaching late might make you tensed and may hamper your performance.
  • The night before the exam, take proper sleep to keep your mind fully active in the exam hall.
  • On the day of the exam, eat a large breakfast, full of protein. Light exercise is a great way to burn off anxiety and prime your mind for the EPFO Assistant exam.
  • It is natural to feel a little stressed when you are about to start the exam. Just do some breathing exercises, and meditate for a minute or so. Weed out all your negative thoughts and just focus on the exam.

All you need to do is believe in yourself and your capabilities. Be confident about the hard work you did to prepare for this examination. Just focus on the screen and in giving your best, forget everyone and everything else.

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