NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022: Shift 1 and Shift 2 Exam Analysis


The NABARD Grade A Preliminary examination was held on September 07, 2022. It was conducted in 2 shifts. In this article, we will make a thorough analysis of the exam to review the kind of questions asked and to judge the standard of assessment. 

NABARD Grade A 2022: Prelims Exam Analysis

NABARD Grade A 2022 Exam Analysis

We will look at each section of the paper separately. Moreover, we will also try to compare the kind of questions asked in both shifts as and when required and plausible. 

The overall level of the examination was moderate. 

Quantitative Aptitude

TopicShift 1Shift 2
Missing Number Series33
Quadratic Equations3
Data Interpretation (Pie Chart)55
Arithmetic (3D Mensuration, Age, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Discount, Time & Work, Boat & Stream, Mixture & Alligation, Partnership)99

From Number Series, the missing number given in the series was to be selected. The level of assessment was moderate. As per the feedback of the candidates who appeared in Shift 1 and Shift 2 of the NABARD Grade A Prelims, the Quantitative Aptitude section was relatively lengthy.


Shift 1Shift 2
Puzzles (8 people, 8 cities, 8 month based) and Seating Arrangement (Circular-8 people, uncertain linear arrangement- 15 seats were there)12 (5,4,3)8-10
Syllogism3 2-3
Inequalities (Direct, Missing)2-3
Distance & Direction11
Blood Relation1

The Reasoning questions were slightly tricky and lengthy this time as compared to previous year. However, if you did not spend so much time on Puzzles and Seating Arrangement questions, you could attempt the other questions easily. 3 questions were asked from uncertain Linear Seating Arrangement. In Shift 1, 3 questions were asked from Syllogisms and Inequalities each. Whereas, in Shift 2, there were no questions on Blood Relations and Inequalities.

If we look at both Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, the questions were moderate. The more challenging aspect of these sections was to manage the time. 

English Language

Shift 1Shift 2
Reading Comprehension (Artificial Intelligence) (Hypothesis of Choosing Life Partner)57
Word Swap55
Words Usage 1
Error Spotting (easy and simple)4
Sentence Improvement
Sentence Rearrangement5
Cloze Test6
Mach the Column3

The English section was very easy as per the candidates’ feedback. In Shift 1 and 2, the questions on Reading Comprehension, Word Swap, Cloze test and Sentence Rearrangement formed a major chunk of the questions in Shift 1 and Shift 2. However, we have not been able to find the exact number of questions asked in Error Spotting and Sentence Improvement in Shift 1. Furthermore, the English section of Shift 2 also had questions from Sentence Rearrangement, Cloze Test and Match the Column as well.

Marks obtained in the QRE section will only be qualifying in nature. The difficulty level of the QRE section in Shift 1 and Shift 2 of the NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022 was quite similar i.e easy to moderate.

Decision Making

The section on Decision Making was based entirely on concept-based application questions in both the shifts. Even if the questions were easy, the language of the options was lengthy and tricky. They were related to biases, processes and types of decision making.

Due to this, the level of assessment for Decision Making was moderate

Agriculture and Rural Development 

The ARD section was of moderate level. Majority of the questions in Shift 1 were concept based, and more questions were asked from the static part as compared to Current Affairs. In Current Affairs, the focus was on schemes. However, the level of ARD questions in Shift 2 was easier as compared to Shift 1.

Topics asked in Shift 1 
Topics asked in Shift 2
Diseases (Papaya damping off, white powdery growth visible in grapes, rose and other aromatic crops)Animal Husbandry (GVA%)
InsectsApple Botanical Name
Botanical name & Scientific name of TeakYoung female of Buffalo
Propagation (Coconut)Separation of Graffian Follicle
Gestation period of SheepPM KISAN, TRYSEM
Jal Jeevan MissionAgronomy, Floriculture
MSP (how many crops- Rabi, Kharif)Vegetative Propagation in Grapes
GVA percentage AgricultureType of Coffee
Father of AgricultureBreeder Seed Progeny
Sale of loose Rose flowers is highest on which day?Marine Products Exports handled by
Premium for Bima Yojana
Apna Khet Apna Kaam Yojana
Climate Smart Agriculture is defined as- Increase Productivity
Definition- Sustainable Agriculture
Grapes leaf feeding in initial stage and complete defoliation in- defoliator beetle, defoliator thrips
Which organelle responsible for growth and development- Nucleus
Fish pond stalking at what ph- 6.5-10
Agroforestry system related to woody perennial for fodder, soil conservation- silvi pastoral
Definition of Community Forestry
Water held at less than Wilting point  available only for evaporation
Watershed Management definition
Scheme how much nutrient supply to plant- Soil healthy card
Scheme to remove all problem of farmers- KCC
Scientific solution of all problems of production and marketing-  atma/ kvk
Indian major carp- catla botanical name (catla catla)
Aromatic plant botanical name- export and produce in India for perfume and fragrance- Indian Basilo, Jasmine, Chameli
When major output is expected from per unit input focus is on factor of production- intensive agriculture
Agriculture Education Day- on whose birthday
Function of Oxytocin
Chemical Ethylene used in- degreening of fruits

Also Read: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojana

Economic and Social Issues and General Awareness

The questions from ESI and General Awareness were moderate to difficult in Shift 1 and Shift 2. Given below are the questions asked in the ESI and General Awareness section-

 Topics Shift 1Shift 2
G-7 Summit1
Sports (Mirabai Chanu- Gold medal for Weightlifting)22
PM Sinchai Yojana1
CPI Index & Inflation1 + 1
Census 20111
Constitutional Articles (Article 15, 25, 41)3
Multi Dimensional Poverty Index1
Gender Parity Index11
Pension Fund Scheme (Senior Citizen)2-3
Whole Sale Price Index1
Financial Inclusion Index1
Food Safety Index1
Hunger Index1
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana1
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana1
Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana1
PM Awas Yojana11
PM Matru Vandana Yojana1
Shram Yogi Mandnan Yojana1
Matsya Sampada Yojana1
National Pension Scheme1
State where RRB has not been set up (Goa)1
International Literacy Day1
Nobel Peace Prize (2021)1
Rocket Launch by South Korea1
Defence (Ashoka Chakra presented on which day)1
International Millets Day1
Ministry of Minority Affairs (date of establishment)1
Youth Skill Day1
Black Pitch Exercise1

As we can gauge from the table above, the focus of the paper was on government schemes and Reports & Indices. A large number of questions on government schemes were asked in both ESI and General Awareness sections in both the shifts. Moreover, majority of the Current Affairs questions were asked from the months of June, July and August 2022. Based on this, the level of this section was moderate.

Also Read: What is the National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)

Computer Awareness

The questions from Computer Awareness in Shift 1 as well as Shift 2 can be categorized as being moderate. They were not very basic nor were they outstandingly tough. If the prescribed syllabus was covered well, the questions could be answered easily. 

If there is anything else you would like to know about this exam, you can take a look at Kailash sir’s initial analysis of Shift 1 and Shift 2 that has been attached for you below. If there is something more you’d like to know, please leave a comment below. Kailash Sir will be happy to answer your queries.

Expected Cut-off

Take a look at Susheel Sir’s video to learn more about the expected cut-off for the Prelims exam. 

Start Preparing for Your Mains

If you have appeared for the NABARD Grade A 2022 Prelims, we hope you will take to your books without any delay and begin preparing for the Mains exam from now itself. Please do not wait for the results to be out to scramble for resources. Have faith in your performance because Team ixamBee believes in you. For any assistance, the NABARD Grade A Phase 2 Online Course is at your disposal.

NABARD Grade A Phase 2 Free Mock Tests

If you are planning to appear for the NABARD Grade A exam in the next recruitment cycle, use this exam analysis to gain a proper sense of the demands of the exam. Begin your preparation accordingly. 

At ixamBee, you can find a number of Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia, as well as the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs.

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2 years ago

Good analysis, A must read