NABARD Development Assistant 2019: Last Minute Preparation Tips



NABARD Development Assistant Prelims exam is going to be held on the 20th of October 2019, you all must have to go through your last revision sessions as very little time is left for the exam. One of the most important things to do right now to check whether you took the print out of the admit card and photocopy of the valid id to avoid any last-minute inconvenience.

ixamBee is here to help the candidates who are going to appear in the NABARD Development Assistant Prelims exam with the last minute preparation tips so that you utilize this time effectively.

Some important tips which are going to help candidates in the NABARD Development Assistant Prelims Exam:

 Don’t go for new topics:

Trying to learn any new topic or concept at this point of time will give you anxiety. It’s better to stick to what you have already studied and try to focus on revising that. Learning new topics at this time will not only waste your time but also make you lose the memory of what you have already learned.

Revision must be on your priority:

As very little time is left for the exam, you must have completed the entire syllabus for the NABARD Development Assistant exam. Your focus should be on revision only because picking any topic at this time will be a bad idea. Revise as much as you can at this time and also try to make notes of that as it will help you in saving time.

Adequate rest should be taken:

Many candidates avoid this very important aspect that a healthy mind recites in a healthy body and in order to make your mind working properly; your body must be well balanced. A mind will only work fine when the body has retained energy by taking proper and healthy sleep. Studying late at night before an exam will exhaust your body and you will not be able to perform well during the exam. Avoid thinking too much about the exam and take proper sleep before the exam.

Practice mocks as many as possible:

Now that very few days left for the exam, your focus must be on practicing as many mocks as possible for the NABARD Development Assistant exam. Mock tests help identify your weakness and helps you to improve your score with each passing test. To assist candidates with this, ixamBee is providing free mock tests for the NABARD Assistant development exam for prelims. Candidates just need to login on the official website and they can start attempting online mock tests.

Make handy notes for revision:

Sometimes revising from the notes becomes a task as the syllabus for the NABARD Development Assistant exam is very vast. To tackle this problem you can make a handy last-minute note for your revision.

Stick to your exam strategy:

It is very important to make an exam strategy that we hope that you have already made and you must be attempting mocks with the same strategy, Just stick with that because no one else knows your strong and weak points better than you. Don’t dwell by watching other’s strategy of solving exams as they have made it with their understanding of their strong and weak points. Attempt your strong sections first and then go for weaker sections to attempt the maximum number of questions in the NABARD Development Assistant exam 2019.

Don’t let negativity distract you from your goal:

When we prepare for something religiously, as soon as the exam date gets near fear of failure surrounds us. Let all the negativity out of your system and bring positivity and hope near you, your focus must be only on cracking the exam.

Important tips during the NABARD Development Assistant exam

There are some things that should be kept in mind on the day and during the exam in order to avoid any hassle to maximum utilize the opportunity :

  1. Keep a print out of your admit card, photocopy with passport size photo and original copy of valid id with yourself in order to avoid any inconvenience.
  2. Don’t stick on one question, if you find any particular question difficult to solve skip that and save that for last to avoid wasting time.
  3. Avoid doing any guesswork in the exam as it contains a negative marking for any wrong question marked.
  4. Read the question carefully, sometimes we fail to understand the question because of the trickiness of the question and end up marking the wrong answer.
  5. If you find any section difficult try to clear the sectional cut off first and then attempt more for clearing the overall cut off.

ixamBee wishes you ALL THE BEST for the NABARD Development Assistant exam.

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